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Thread: HELP?!

  1. #1


    Hi there,

    Can anyone tell me how to remove the wheel bearings from the rear trailing arms of my '69 911S?



  2. #2

    According to the Haynes manual

    Bear with me this is a little lengthy.

    Page 149 in the section titled,"2 Suspension control arm - removal and installation", and sub-section ,"69/71 models", reads:

    "NOTE If the control arm has been installed with the pivot bolt head towards the transmission, it will be necessary to remove the engine/transmission for the control arm to be released. Refer to chapter 1 for this procedure." I won't type chapter 1.

    Then I paraphrase,"17 see steps 1 to 6 with the previous note referoing to step 4". So here we go.

    1) Remove the rear wheel caliper and the disc/drum assembly, as described in chapter 8. (ya on ya own)
    2) Remove cotter pin from the castellated nut.
    3) Using a bar between the two wheel studs, wedged against the floor to stop the hub from rotating, unscrew the driveshaft castellated nut.
    4) At the transmission end, remover the flange Allen bolts, then use a soft faced hammer to tap off the drive shaft from the flange joint.
    5) Using a tube or arbor of the appropriate size, drive out the rear hub.
    6) Detach the hand brake cable, anfd remove the shield plate (where applicable) and the brake carrier plate again refering to ch 8 as necessary.

    Now back to step 18:

    1 Take off the handbrake cable guide.
    19) Refer to step 8...

    Mark the installed position of the camber and tracking eccentric bolts as a guide for installation, then remove the nuts these and the retaining bolts.

    20) With the control arm removed, press or drive out the radial thrust ball bearing if wear is evident. A new one must be obtained for reassembly if it is removed as it will almost certainly be damaged during the removal procedure.
    21) If the Flanblocs are worn or damaged they can only be removed by destroying them, then new ones pressed in to full depth. This job must be entrusted to a porsche agent who will have the necessary tools for the job. At the same toim ethe control arm can be checked for alignment using a special fixture. Also check the radius arm rubber bushes for wear and damage, renewing as necessary.
    22) Examine the ball bearing for signs of rough running or overheating (a bluish colour); if evident it must be removed.
    23) installation is basically the reverse....

    I won't go into the installation.

    Why did I go through all of this? Because the next section reads:

    3 Rear Wheel Bearing - Removal and Installation
    To remove the rear wheel bearings, it is necessary to remove the rear suspension control arm, then extract the bearing after the control arm has been removed. This procedure is given in the previous section.

    Hope this helps...

    Mark (The Canuck)

  3. #3


    Thanks Mark, I appreciate your help.


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