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Thread: Crane/Allison XR720 or Ignitor brand?

  1. #1

    Crane/Allison XR720 or Ignitor brand?

    Greetings. I scrolled through old postings but didn't find much on ignition upgrades, so here goes. Have any of you tried the Ignitor (R) brand points replacement part? Does it work as well as the 'highly recommended' Crane/Allison unit? The Ignitor looks to be a straight replacement for the points and a cleaner install. Just wondering if the smaller unit gives anything up to the larger Crane box. Any experience with this? Thanks in advance.

  2. #2

    Pertronix Igniitor


    I have been using the Pertronix Ignitor in my 356 for about a year. As you said, it is a very clean installation. It has worked very well without any problems. I only wish they made a unit for my 67S.


  3. #3

    Re: Pertronix Igniitor

    Thanks Bob... I looked around on Rennlist and it sounds like most guys concur. I'll give it a try.


  4. #4

    Crane or Pertronix?

    After seeing a few break downs with other porsche drivers; I had put in the Pertronix Ignitor and had a good result. I like it because you don't have many wires and no external box to mount to the engine bay.

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