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Thread: Mustard color S

  1. #1

    Mustard color S

    In the photo section there is an old picture of a mustard S. Any guesses as to the rim size. It looks just right.

  2. #2
    I assume you mean the car featured to the right of Chuck Millers blue RS look beauty? I'd think the wheels are the 7X15 Fuchs...

  3. #3
    Yes this is the car I meant. The size and wheel arch spacing looks right. Can it be assumed it is not lowered?

  4. #4
    Chuck Miller

    Mustard color S

    Hey guys,
    The car in question is our own board member Fred Stewart's. It's 'Signal Orange' and it's on early 6's with 195/60's Yokohama AVS's all around.

    Very cool car !


    PS - Fred would speak for himself, but he's not on line.

  5. #5

    Fred's S

    Chuck, is Fred's S signal orange or signal yellow? Thanks.

  6. #6
    Jim Alton

    "Mustard S"

    When I photographed Fred Stewart's '67 911S at the PCA-LA Concours in 1999 it was definitely orange.

  7. #7
    Chuck Miller

    Mustard color S

    Definitely 'Signal Orange'

  8. #8
    Are we talking the same photos? I was refering to the set near the top of the page...side views. Chuck's beauty, running 7's and 8's? Then to the right of that, another car, looking "mustard" running what looks like 7's to me, especially in the back. Maybe rims look deeper in the photos tho. Silver '69 above my car on photo page, special plate "911S '69"...those are 6's, right? My car below...7's on all 4. Old eyes, I guess. Sorry. Paul

  9. #9
    This sounds right to me the way it looks. Is the green one yours? If so is there any suspension height adjustments?

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