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Thread: fuel tank restoration

  1. #1

    fuel tank restoration

    The fuel tank on the car I'm restoring has 110,000 miles through it. Do I need to have it flushed and coated? Any preferences on what to coat it with?
    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Has the car been sitting a lengthy time? Are there rust flakes in the fuel? Other debris? If the tank delivers clean fuel, I don't think I'd bother going through the process. Evidently, there are firms throughout the country who do this, but if a tank is functioning well, why bother? I don't think it's a mileage thing with fuel tanks, it's a corrosion/rust thing through neglect.

  3. #3
    How do you test to see? It hasn't been neglected but it's a 69 with 110,000 miles so it has set for periods of time.

  4. #4
    Is the car running? Driven it lately? Cut open the fuel filter, see what you find.

  5. #5
    Finally I can possibly add something to this forum. I have found rust/crap in every tank I have removed from cars 25 years old. For the most part a good filter will take care of it. I prefer to pull the tank and restore/seal with a kit such as Por15 or Eastwood sells. Just take some old chain, or bolts, nuts, etc, along with a cleaner/degreaser and slosh them around in your tank. Empty stuff and throw in some of your favorite rust converting liquid(oxisolve or similar phosphoric acid type stuff). Slosh around carefully. Dry out tank and throw in tank sealer. Slosh sealer around and drain back into original container. Word of caution: air out tank or displace gasoline/fumes before any of the above. I have been satisfied with the results from the kits I have used from Por 15.

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