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Thread: Rear deck lid P O R S C H E letters

  1. #1

    Rear deck lid P O R S C H E letters

    On a 69S was the P O R S C H E letters and 9 1 1 S always gold?

  2. #2
    Silver Surfer
    I have a similar question. My car is a 1973 911S, in metallic silver. The "PORSCHE" letters and the "911S" on the engine lid are silver. I have looked at MANY pictures, and some 73s appear to have silver badging while other 73s appear to have black badging. SHOULD all 73s have black badging? Or did this vary by car? Perhaps the factory just used whichever color, silver or black, seemed to look best on the car, I don't know.


  3. #3
    Roland Kunz


    B.Johnsons Authentency guide covers that, but it was possible to order other colors from the factory.


  4. #4

    69S pics

    All 3 69S's I have had, did have gold lettering..the 69T I had, had silver lettering.

    Maybe I got "had" on the T ;-)


  5. #5
    Dr. Johnsons book says "For 1969 a part number change occurred, but no sigificant change is obvious. Gold letters were used on 911E and 911S while the 912 had silver . The 911T came with silver letters, gold being optional."

    My 69S has silver letters. I don't know if this was added by someone when the car was painted or not.

  6. #6

    PORSCHE letters

    Ok let's put this in the mix. I have a set, not on my car, that are gun metal grey. My 70 S has gold. Where do you all (that's Florida talk) think the grey ones came from. Are they possibly black ones that were stripped??

  7. #7

    rear letters...

    I forgot to mention something interesting on my 67S.

    When I first got it, it had a silver lettered "911S" script on the decklid, I changed it out to a gold one that I purchased.

    Upon closer inspection of that silver script, it was obvious that the script had originally been gold, but it had faded over time (could see gold around the inside edges near the bottom).

    Perhaps there was an aftermarket set of 911S scripts that were poorly plated and prone to this? I doubt that an original would behave this way, and my "PORSCHE" script was gold, and showed no sign of plating deterioration.


  8. #8

    PORSCHE Gold letters

    Does any one have any Gold Letters for sale?

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