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Thread: 67S Clutch

  1. #1

    67S Clutch

    I'm going to install a new clutch in my 67S. Can anyone tell me if I will have any problems or performance changes by using the standard 911 unit as opposed to the S unit?

  2. #2
    Roland Kunz

    The original S used friction material contained asbestos and is NLA since the mid 80´s.

    It was replaced by a other friction material with will hold up 180 HP or a thad more. You can go to a sport clutch plate but the pedal pressure will also go higher and the stiffer operation needs more sensitivity then a normal clutch.
    Some go up to use a 225 mm PP set up if they will use a 180 + HP engine in Street and Rallye applications.

    However with wide tires or race sliks lifetime cycle very limitet. But race engines see more work then a normal engine.

    Best advise is to ask your saler and nail him on his promisses.


  3. #3

    67S Clutch


    What I meant to ask about was the pressure plate itself. As I remember, it was made of aluminum with a copper face. This was the piece I was thinking of replacing with the standard 911 steel pressure plate.


  4. #4
    Roland Kunz

    Those pressure plates are quite rare today. They are still rebuildable.

    There performance is equal to a 215 KPz. Now here is my limit.

    You should contact a good Porsche engine man to get a direct advise. Those clutches came mostly with the sport package ( 180 HP ) with a special lightwight flywheel. This flywheel has very large holes cut in.
    They are bigger as usuall holes weakening the unit plus require to balance the pressure plate. This is very critical if you will go to operate the engine on the 7500 + redline.

    But those pressure plates where also used on normal S engines. I think to safe wight on the rear

    As I can´t see what combination you have it is better you stay on the safe side. A wrong combination can break the crank.


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