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Thread: Wheel Well Colors 1973 911s

  1. #1

    Wheel Well Colors 1973 911s

    I have gotten two different opinions on this issue, so I am looking for some more information.

    I have a 1973 911s Targa that has silver wheel wells, the color of the car. I have been told the wheel wells should be the color of the car, and then also that they should be black. What is the correct color?


  2. #2
    There is only ONE accurate answer and that is the colour of the car period.

  3. #3

    wheel wells

    Tressy.....croy is correct. As a matter of fact, overspray was prevalent on early cars ALL over the underside of the cars. I have an original 74 Carrera (built in August 73) and the Yellow paint is everywhere on the underside of the car.

  4. #4


    Body color starting in 73 engine and underside and black underside and engine compartment 72 and older.

  5. #5


    So are you saying that the color of the wheel wells and engine should be the color of the car?

  6. #6
    Chuck Miller

    Wheel Well Colors 1973 911s

    Ya, I belive starting in 72', however I will only speak for 73' ... the body color was carried into the inside of the wheel wells, engine compartment, and somewhat, in the trunk. Buy the time they got to the trunk the paint got pretty 'abbreviated'. However the 'inner' wheel wells (the surface facing you when you take off the tire) and the engine compartment, started life sprayed with the body color. In fact, if the car had a 2 stage color (like metallics) those areas even had a clear coat. The underside of the car was painted in satin black, and that started about an inch inside the unibody seam at the rocker panels.

    Hope this helps

  7. #7


    If the car is a 73 then the entire car is body color, the extra step of painting the underside, wheels wells, and engine compartment stops at the end of 72 production. If you wipe the black paint off with thinner on a 72 and older car you will see the body color paint under it. I have seen many many cars all produced in the first month of 73 production that are all one color. As for these 73 cars that are all one color the paint is thin in all areas under the car, in my opinion spending the extra time to put more paint on is worth while.

  8. #8

    extra paint..

    I respect your opinion very highly Smitty however, what exactly are you saying? I believe that overspray(which is exactly what we are talking about) is pure cost-cutting for the factory and is NOT cool at all. Porsche became more popular and it took too many precautions(masking) and obviously more time to produce. The Germans just did what is called the "painters golden rule" which is don't paint what you can't see, and don't touch up what you can't see. I wouldn't read anything else into it other than that.

  9. #9

    Re: extra paint..

    My car built in July of '72. Engine compartment and underneath the car...both black when I bought it with 7,000 mies on it's clock. '73 models I've seen are body color. So I do indeed suspect somewhere between July of '72 and the beginning of the '73 models, Porsche did indeed implement a cost cutting move...

  10. #10


    The wheel wells, under side, front trunk, and engine compartment starting with 73 production are body color. The painting attempt was more than overspray in these areas, it was painted with only a pass or two. The engine and front trunk did however recieve a little more paint then these other areas. I just got through painting a early 73, and after the underside was cleaned off one could see exactly how the bottom was painted. I spent a lot of time over-restoring the underside front trunk and engine compartments with as much color as the top side. The under side is wonderful looking when it is painted body color in every little nook and cranny and provides an improved barrier against moisture. The pre 72 cars where done in the same fashion as I did, it is just that black was used. As for these areas be only overspray from the factory, well its more a light coat. When the bottom of this car I just did you could see how much product was on the car originally and in what areas. I found paint in areas that were more than overspray way under the car. So in my opinion if you are doing a 73 overdue it and get enough paint on it with a flex agent to resist chipping. The only one that I have found that works is the Glasurit 511 series elastifier.

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