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Thread: Suspension

  1. #1


    I need help! I am restoring a '71S Targa and need help in determining what to do to improve the suspension. The car has 190,000 mi and the rear sags to approximately 24.5 in from floor to wheel arch lip. The shocks appear to be black, front and rear. The fronts attach to the A arm via a pin through the A arm connecting to a clamp at the shock. Are these black shocks Boge? The car has some wallow and the ride is not firm. It has been my experience with other gas shocks that when you replace the ride height goes up. In this case it would be positive if the rear goes up about one-half inch to get to the Bruce Anderson, euro reccomended height. Next is what brand, Boge Gas, Koni Gas or Bilstein. I do not want to drive a roller skate; I want firmer, but a touring ride. The second part of the inquiry is regarding the torsion bars. Should I replace the stock rear, leave alone and see if the gas shocks compensate or plan to upgrade the front and rear with stock or larger. I am looking for control, firm but supple and a great handling touring car. Thanks in advance for your reply.

  2. #2
    The factory shocks are from Boge (strut painted blac). The front suspension is a McPherson strut and the shock is an insert in the strut tube. The insert is removed from the top of the tube. Rear shocks are the regular type (nut top, nut/bolt at bottom).

    If I understand your requirements, this is what I would propose:

    1) Different people have their own preferences, but I use Koni; Red for firm, Yellow sport shocks for firmer. Gas shocks will raise the static ride height slightly.

    2) After installing the shocks, measure the ride height (with an equivalent body weight in front seat), then adjust the torsion bars to whatever height specs you'd like to follow. B.A.'s recommendations are fine. Adjusting the front bars is easy as it's a turn of a screw; more difficult in the rear as it's a trial and error type of adjustment.

    3) 4-wheel alignment

    The sky's the limit after this above updates. If you wish to go further, I'd suggest a change in torsion bars to 21mm (f) and 26mm (r). Larger sway bars are next, but try the torsion bars first.

    Sherwood Lee

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