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Thread: Holey Spoiler, Batman!

  1. #1
    Silver Surfer

    Holey Spoiler, Batman!

    This is my first post to this board, though I have been a lurker for some time. I have a 1973 911S, all numbers matching to the factory build sheet. The rubber bumper over-riders were removed by a previous owner. My question concerns certain holes in my spoiler BELOW the wide bumper trim. There are app. 1/2 inch holes aligned below the inner corner of my left and right horn grills, which I believe are the holes for the rubber bumpers. Inside those, there are three horizontally alligned holes that appear to have something to do with the mounting for a front license plate--two widely spaced holes apparently for a European plate and one more centrally located. HERE IS MY QUESTION: there are two vertically alligned holes below the CENTER of the horn grills, the top hole being smaller (about 1/4) inch and the bottom larger (about 1/2 inch). Markings in the paint suggest that at one time there may have been some kind of bracket mounted to these holes. I have never seen them in a picture of any other S. Do any of you have these holes and, more to the point, know what they are for?

    Thanks for your help!


  2. #2
    Roland Kunz

    The larger holes with the treads are for the additional fog lights.

    The licence plate holders are shown in the catalog and are used on all 911 since 1965. There bolt patern is shown on the body section from the factory repair manual.
    However the brakets came mostly in the trunk and had to be mountet by the dealer.
    The number where never boltet direct to the bumpers but some guys did it.


  3. #3
    Silver Surfer
    Thanks for the help. I thought that foglights were not offered for mounting on the S spoiler based on a statement in one of the books I read, but I just saw a picture of a car with the S front spoiler that had circular fog lamps mounted below the bumper trim at the point where I have these holes. The bracket must have attached to the larger hole, and the wires must have come through the smaller. I don't have a fog light button on my dash, so these must have been the driving lights that came on with the headlamps. I'll check with Stoddards.

    Thanks again!

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