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Thread: New on this board

  1. #1

    New on this board

    Hi, my name is George,
    I'm a new member on this board as of today.
    I live in Switzerland, and I have a '73 RS that I found in a depot, waiting for me to restore it. I'm in the parts gathering stage now, and I hope to start dismantling it sometime next year.
    I hope I can help some and I know I can learn some.
    Regards, George

  2. #2
    Chuck Miller

    New on this board

    Welcome to this board George.
    Hope all goes well and smooth with the RS.


    PS .. sorry for that hasty response to the steering wheel question, never saw the thick padded light/weight one.
    Will have to look at THE BOOK a little closer.

  3. #3

    new on this board

    It's not in the book, Chuck. That's the trick..


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