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Thread: sport seats for 69

  1. #1

    sport seats for 69

    Is there anyone out there that has a line on sport seats? Leather. Thanks

  2. #2
    If only they were as easy to find & buy as tires! Just keep looking, keep asking, and if you want them in leather, know a good upholstery shop. Not trying to be funny here. I know people who looked for years before finding a set.

  3. #3
    found one for 800.00. looking for one more.

  4. #4
    WOW! That's fast! Can I recruit you for my future parts hunts?

  5. #5

    sports seats for 69

    Please describe the condition of the single seat that you obtained for $800. The additional information would be helpful to others seeking early sports seats. Thanks.

  6. #6

    sport seats

    The place I called had two, one brand new in the box (drivers side, tan). He wants 1200.00 for it, the one I bought is re-covered vinyl or leather trim (i can't remember) with corduroy insert (passenger side, black). I forgot the name of his company but he works out of his house and has all kinds of odd stuff for early porsches. His name is dave and his number is 323-660-7674. He seems to be a trust worthy dude. A friend of mine (elvis) has bought many things from him.

  7. #7

    Early sport seats

    So Elvis IS alive!

  8. #8

    Re: Early sport seats

    yeah, he hangs out here and the food channel's web site

  9. #9

    Re: Early sport seats

    I know what you guys are thinking, even befor you think it!
    The King

  10. #10

    Re: Early sport seats

    The company is Road and Race...Dave...gaurdian of all obscure things Porsche.

    He just bought 25 MFI pumps...

    I've sold him several things, and purchased from him several things...every time I have purchased anything from him, it is better than expected! How often can you say that about a parts guy.

    He IS one of us-

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