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Thread: Dash Fire.

  1. #1

    Dash Fire.


    My, brand new to me, '72 911S suffered a little electrical fire last night - cabin filled with black smoke suddenly - stopped when I shut everything down (including the electrical shutoff). The smoke came from the bonnet and dashboard.

    Problem only re-occurs when I turn on the headlamps (which still work!). All the rest of the electrics are still OK but I've lost the reverse light. I've recently had new headlamps put on and a new speedometer put in so it narrows down the culprits.

    Anyway this means I'm going to have to spend some time in the bonnet a) trying to find the place that it burnt out and b) fixing it !

    BUT I don't have any wiring diagrams for the car though, if anyone can send me one I'd appreciate it. (

    There are some at but which is the most accurate for mine. I'm guessing the 1973T ?

    Many thanks.

  2. #2
    Robert Laverty


    Check the headlight relay. If you just put in new headlamps, they may require more amps than was originally designed.

  3. #3

    Re: Fire

    Andy...I have a color coded wiring diagram for the 1972S, in my old workshop manuals. also B&W pages describing how the diagram works, the symbols, etc. I'd be willing to get copies made & send 'em to you snail mail if you'd be willing to cover cost. I'm guesing under $15 USA...
    email me if interested: Since this diagram seems to be no longer in print, don't think I'd be violating any laws. Or...maybe another member has the same workshop manual, a computer with a scanner, could e mail the info to you, assuming you have a printer? Anyway, let me know if I can be of further help. BTW, I agree with the above post...trying to increase light wattage without rewiring can indeed cause problems. I had smoke once...turned out to be the fresh air blower motor. bearings had run out of lube, shaft wouldn't turn...short & burn out.

  4. #4

    Re: Urgent - wiring diagram

    Many thanks guys.

    I had a quick look last night (not enough time to start taking it to bits yet) and it's definitely something to do with the headlamps. The new lamps are official Bosch H4s so the amps should be fine. (I've just imported it from Europe so had to swap the lights to RHD for UK driving).

    Coming in from the luggage compartment I found a small lump of charred foam and a small bulb laying under the ventilation system. When I turn on the lamps (even just to sidelights) I can hear a sizzle from behind the dashboard (oooh do I turn that power of quickly!).

    I'm wondering if it's something to do with the new speedo that I've had installed. Isn't there an indicator light on the speedo to show when the lamps are on full beam ? Also there would be something to light up the speedo when the sidelamps come on.

    So a couple of questions a) where could that foam be from ? I can't see it from the luggage compartment with all the ventilation system in the way so I'm assuming it's actually "in" the dash.

    b) how to I get into the back of the dash ? Is it easier to go in from below or should I try and pull out the speedo ? How ?

    Sorry for all the open ended questions but like I said I've only had the car a little while. She's exactly 30 days older than me and in otherwise almost perfect condition. This burn out happened approx 3 hours after I got the car UK registered, she's breaking my heart !

    pwd72 - Many thanks for the offer of the circuit diagram. I'll try and get a workshop manual from somewhere but if I have no luck I'll be right back to you. thanks again.


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