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Thread: Pressures

  1. #1


    Hi - what are your views on best tyre pressures to run on a 72S ?

    I've just bought my first of one - stock other than being slightly lowered at the rear - and it was running 31 at both the front and rear.

    Factory settings (as listed on the decals) best ? I'll be re-setting it to the original ride height soon.


  2. #2
    Andy...I run the "above 125" presures...under the theory that you never know when you might want to cruise that fast.
    Actually, just seem to get a better feel with the slightly higher pressures, and the rears should be a higher pressure than the fronts. Use the engine compartment sticker as a guidline, and you should be okay. Congrats on your '72S..
    I'm more than a bit prejudiced in favor of that particular year BTW, in the long ago auto-x days, when XWX MIchelens were the tire of choice for most, pressures were really pumped up...45 or so in the rear, 42 front...but NOT for street use, just auto-x. Haven't a clue what the hotshoes of today do, but I'm hoping some of them will weigh in.

  3. #3
    I usually run 29F and 31R on the street, measured cold. For autox on street tires, I bump that up to 32F & 36R.

    For race tires it's a whole 'nother ball game, and depends on the type of tire you're running and the type of event.


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