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Thread: Brake Pads

  1. #1

    Brake Pads

    I read the brake upgrades postings with interest. But I prefer to keep my aluminum S calipers. Currently running stock replacement pads...ate, I think. But since the asbestos has been removed, I feel that the brakes don't work as well as they used to. The system itself functions well, all a-okay, I change fluid often. But, is there a street pad that works better than stock replacement pads? Guess what I'm really asking, is it worth the extra $ to get Pagid blue, something else advertised out there? Or, would I be as well off saving the $, stay with stock pads?
    Maybe I should have titled this a brake pad survey, because that's what I'm really asking for...

  2. #2
    Chuck Miller

    Brake Pads

    You can have it both ways ... you can stick with the
    factory manufacture but can upgrade to a more aggressive pad .... I belive TEXTAR (OEM) makes a 'high
    performance' pad for our cars that stops like hell,and
    doesn't cost a bunch more then stock, however they do
    throw a lot of dust.


  3. #3


    you can check with porterfeids in Costa Mesa. he has his own pad made ands I beleive sells a few other brands. best part - good info

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