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Thread: 68 S engine serial number

  1. #1

    68 S engine serial number

    Does anyone else have a 68 911S? I have had one for 25 years and would like to know if anyone knows the chassis and engine number of their 68 S. There was a question raised as to the original engine numbe and I have requested a build sheet from Porsche. I have chassis number 11800191. The engine serial number was somewhere in the mid 300 range. The exact serial number is not at hand at the moment.

  2. #2
    All I know is, that here in the USA..we were not allowed to have 1968 911S models. Ralph Nader was God, back then, and govt. regulation had just begun. So, '68S numbers documentation? Ask somebody really ivolved in trivia, or ask somebody in europe who may know. Here, the "911
    S" was marketed as a "911L". As gutless as any other 911 of the time...but, boy was it dressed up with europen "S" trim. In '68? Even then, it was known as a "no go show boat"...the thing we were told was a "911L"...

  3. #3

    68 S engine serial number

    Hi Guys,

    The 1968 serial numbers were as follows:

    Coupe 118 00001 to 118 01267
    Targas 118 50001 to 118 50442
    Engines 408 0001 to 408 1549

    Hope this helps.


  4. #4

    '68S serial numbers

    Great feedback, Marc. Looking at the numbers has me thinking, though. If one were to total the production numbers for coupes and targas, it appears there were more unibodies than engines produced in '68. Hmmm.

  5. #5

    68 S engine serial number

    Hi Steve,

    Great observation! This is a situation that exists in a few years... take a look at this:

    Year # of Chassis # of Engines
    1967* 2306 2178
    1969 2106 2126
    1970 2473 2480
    1971* 2218 1959
    1972 2739 2733
    1973 2355 2367

    Total 14,197 13,843

    The question is, how in 1967 and 1971 did Porsche produce more chassis' than engines. 1967, in itseld was very confussing since their numbering system was a bit strange back then and the way Porsche kept up with things back then was to stamp an "S" on the chassis number to verify which engine that particular chassis received. 1971 just doesn't make sense and these numbers were charted by Porsche. When I first got these numbers, I had to add them up a few times to make sure I wasn't going crazy, but something is clearly screwed up.


  6. #6
    Old thread, but it like this. Engine figures above are okay for the engine called 901/02, this is the standard engine called 2000S by Porsche.

    There was also an S engine 2.0 designated 901/08 in parallell. Same engine but the small exception for an oil pump driven by left cam shaft. Used in cars with sportomatic gear box. 4180001-41800225


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