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Thread: Matching Numbers on a 911 E?

  1. #1

    Matching Numbers on a 911 E?

    Hello-I'm new to the board and a new owner of a 73 911 E with full S options (and very happy about it). The previous owner wasn't sure if the numbers matched on the engine/body. Where do I look in the engine bay to check this out? I noticed a number on the top of the fan shroud-but it was about 3 digits longer than the body numbers, and had an R at the end. Any help is appreciated.

    David Proctor
    73 911 E
    Nashville, TN

  2. #2

    Matching Numbers on a 911 E?

    Hi David,

    The best way to check is to get the cardex from Porsche. This will give you the build specifications for your car with all of the appropriate numbers. The link that I have included below is a great site for 1972-1973 specs... it should help you.,73.html

    If this doesn't contain the needed information, please tell me and I will get more in depth.

    Best Regards,

    Marc Weintraub

  3. #3
    For the exact engine number on your car order the cardex from Wayne Stone at 1-800-545-8039 for $30 in Atlanta. As for the engine number on your car look at the 3oclock position of the fan and go around behind it and slightly down the engine number is stamped top to bottom on a thin ledge. It should be a seven digit code that is 623xxxx and the engine type stamped on a flat suface just below will be 911/52. The last for digits of the engine production number will be somewhat, within a couple hundered numbers of the last four numbers of the serial number. If the car is late production like 1000+ than the numbers will be further off because of the influence of the Targa engine numbers in the run. If your car has these numbers the likelyhood is very high it is the original engine because there are very few of these running around. Buy the way your car is slightly rarer than an S for 73, just curious what are the last four digits of your car mine is 0078. Also how serious are you about your interior, I have more info than you will ever need about material availability colors authenticity carpet and so on, or do you just want to throw something in.

  4. #4
    Thanks a lot for the info-I will get my vin# and bring it to work tommorow and let you know the #. At first I wasn't very serious about the interior-I just wanted it black. But the more I read and learn, I think I would like to return it to original specs. The sport seats will need recovering, and since they already have a few tears, they need it anyway. I have the original carpet, but it's in very bad condition. It was brown, and I have the original door panels, which are in fair condition-one pocket is beyond repair. I also have the original becker radio, which I hope to install soon (is it OK to install it and not hook it up?-I would like to have a hidden MP3 player to actually listen to). Also, the car was converted to weber carbs in 85. Any info you may have on the interior would be great. My e-mail is if you need it. Thanks for the advice.

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