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Thread: What's It Weigh?

  1. #1

    What's It Weigh?

    Want to lose some weight (Porsche, that is)? Early 911S Registry member, Jim Calzia, has provided us an exhaustive compilation of component weights as he methodically built his '73 S race car. Great stuff. Check out this reprint from the Autumn 2000 edition of Esses. Thanks Jim.

    Early 911S Registry webmaster

  2. #2

    what's it weigh?

    No real comment, jus wanted to thank Jim for all his work & excellent tracking of details. I don't ever plan on racing, but I sure enjoyed the article in ESSES

  3. #3
    Early S Reg #1395 LongRanger's Avatar
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    Aug 2008
    California High Desert
    Quote Originally Posted by 911SRegistry View Post
    . . . Registry member, Jim Calzia, has provided us an exhaustive compilation of component weights as he methodically built his '73 S race car. Great stuff. Check out this reprint from the Autumn 2000 edition of Esses . . .

    Early 911S Registry webmaster
    Whatever happened to this listing? . . .

    . . . seems like it'd be pretty interesting

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  4. #4
    Moderator Chuck Miller's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Reseda, CA.
    Whatever happened to this listing? . . .
    Unfortunately it seems that over 50% of our 'tech' links are not working:

    Some due to just expiration, and some probably due to our server updates through the last 20 years... sorry
    We'll try to weed out those that do not function...

    Chuck Miller
    Creative Advisor/Message Board Moderator - Early 911S Registry #109
    R Gruppe #88

    TYP901 #62
    '73S cpe #1099 - Matched # 2.7/9.5 RS spec rebuild
    '67 Malibu 327 spt cpe - Period 350 Rebuild

    ’98 Chevy S-10 – Utility
    ’15 GTI – Commuter

  5. #5
    Senior Member StephenAcworth's Avatar
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    Chelsea, Québec
    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck Miller View Post
    Unfortunately it seems that over 50% of our 'tech' links are not working:

    Some due to just expiration, and some probably due to our server updates through the last 20 years... sorry
    We'll try to weed out those that do not function...

    It'd be great to find the original articles and create new links Chuck!
    1966 911 Coupe - Slate Grey - 304598 - still in restoration!

    Member #1616

  6. #6
    Moderator Chuck Miller's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Reseda, CA.


    If I remember Jim (Calzia) no longer wanted the info on the net ...

    Rick started a thread in 2011 that for now is as close as I can come...

    Chuck Miller
    Creative Advisor/Message Board Moderator - Early 911S Registry #109
    R Gruppe #88

    TYP901 #62
    '73S cpe #1099 - Matched # 2.7/9.5 RS spec rebuild
    '67 Malibu 327 spt cpe - Period 350 Rebuild

    ’98 Chevy S-10 – Utility
    ’15 GTI – Commuter

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