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Thread: Dash

  1. #1


    i have a 1969S Targa.

    1) a couple inches to the right of the steering column there is a 3/8 hole thru the dash where something (a switch?) used to be. what was there??

    2) the black vinyl "checkerboard" material that is glued to the dash pieces. is there replacement material available? are there replacement kits (i.e. carbon fiber)? how are the pieces that hold the vinyl material to the dash removed? what type of glue should be used to reglue areas that have peeled away?

    thanks, Jeff #119310268

  2. #2


    that hole is for the odometer trip reset knob. the dash material is available, you might try a swap meet if you absolutely want original, otherwise autos international or tweeks might have it.

  3. #3

    Re: 69S

    My odometer reset is in the same area but is mounted vertically just above this hole. do you think somebody moved it? thanks for your help

  4. #4


    perhaps you have a hole that was drilled for an aftermarket switch, as for driving lights

  5. #5


    It used to be common to wire a switch on the dash of injected cars to dump neat petrol into the cylinders when the cold-start solenoid failed. Presumably this was cheaper than to fix the solenoid.
    I used to have one on my 69S coupe.You could only switch it on for about a second otherwise you got the feeling that the engine would explode when you fired up!
    Perhaps your S used to have one of those.

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