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Thread: Headlamps

  1. #1


    Does anyone know how to uprate the lights on the early 911?
    The stock 55/60W lights are very poor in relation to the performance of the car.
    I know that the switch has to be protected from higher current with a relay of some kind, but would appreciate any specific advice on doing this.

  2. #2

    headlamps... relays

    Check out for some info and diagrams on installing relays. I don't know about the 65-67? lights, but the 68? on U.S. lights can be upgraded to H4 either by replacing the sealed beam bulb (less expensive), or by replacing the hole assembly with the euro set-up. Once you have H4's you can get bulbs of many different wattages.

  3. #3


    Thanks for the reply; I'll look into it. Mine is a 69S with H4s and latest generation bulbs, but which have the same nominal output. They're a little brighter but when I go over 70mph the lack of illumination starts to be a limiting factor.
    I'd like lights that can cook a light meal from 30 feet away!!

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