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Thread: Also looking for pointers on adjusting hood fit - I'm on a DIY roll!

  1. #1

    Also looking for pointers on adjusting hood fit - I'm on a DIY roll!

    I've been having a tough time adjusting the fit of the hood on my RS. In particular, the trailing edge closest to the windshield is not sitting flush with the cowl. It is actually resting about 1/4 to 3/8 of an inch above the cowl. This lousy fit drives me CRAZY!

    Anyhow, I heard that there is a trick or special secret that the Porsche oldtimers know where you put washers between the hood hinges and the hood and use them as spacers. My initial reaction to this is that it would only make the problem worse, but apparantly it is counterintuitive and actually reduces the angle of the hinges and therefore the height of the hood.

    If anybody knows this trick, I'm all ears! In particular, do you put the washers on both bolts on each side or just the front or rear bolts. Thanks in advance to any oldtimers out there! Sweet dreams (of 550 Spiders in a barn!) to all
    2015 McLaren 650S spider
    2001 Ferrari 550
    2010 Ariel Atom 3
    1979 Ferrari 308gtb

    Paid-up Registry Member & proud of it!!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2002
    Suffolk, VA

    Hood Adjustment

    Yes - washers go between the hood mount and the brackets. Sometimes the rear bolt takes two and the front bolt takes one. You will have to work it out. The same applies to the rear decklid, which usually needs them more than the front hood.

    I've torn apart, repaired, and put back together quite a few of these early 911s (and 912s). Ask away...

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