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Thread: A few member questions...

  1. #1

    A few member questions...

    Hi All!

    Once again...glad to be a member of the elite S Registry. However, I do have a few questions.

    1. When are my dues due?

    2. Do you use an e-mail list of all the members to notify us of events and breakfast runs, etc.? If so...I do not receive any. If is a very handy way of letting the membership know.

    I am a founding member of a thriving, 10 year old, non-profit filmmakers collective in Los Angeles called Filmmakers Alliance. We have the ability as admin./members to post "membership related only" e-mails to all our members. It is very easy and very helpful in announcing events, but also in getting last minute assistance with any needs the organization might have.

    I know that I have only been in this Early world for a few years now, and only been in cahoots with you all and the R-Gruppe for a couple, but not being on the A-List sometimes means that I don't hear about S-Registry stuff except through the vine and sometimes after it happens. Or, it depends on me searching for Thread-Lines that I don't know exist yet. When I'm in production on a film, or finishing a deadline on a screenplay, it's sometimes hard to make time for that.

    Anyway, this #2 question is NOT a complaint. I LOVE the Registry, the membership, and of course...the CARS. That's exactly why I want the option to be involved as much as I can be. Although I often can''s nice to know and it's fun to check in after the fact and find out how it all went.

    I think it would be good for all the members. But as I said...perhaps this already exists and I am, by some twisted accident of fate, simply not on the e-list.

    If fate is the culprit...please ammend with:

    3. I am listed as a Junior Member. Is that because of the amount of time I have or have not been in the Registry? Or is it because I had a 1973 911E Targa, and not an S? If it is because of the latter, I am proud to announce that last week I Traded my Targa and some $ for a 1972 911S Coupe, VIN. # 9112300825. (I will enclose a copy of its Cert. of Autenticity)

    The car is a bone dry west-coast car, with a factory warranty 911/83 RS engine in it, factory delivered through the grills, deep 6 Fuchs, and 2 tanks (one is an RS plastic tank).

    I'll have to get a Registry badge or decal to properly mark its membership, continuing its historic pedigree.

    That's it. Thanks very much for your time and consideration.


    p.s. Check out the photo I posted of all the cars at the R-Gruppe Turkey run on Sunday. I posted it on the "Post" event thread.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2

    The 72S

    Cain's new R-ide.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  3. #3

    The R-Bowl

    The photo I spoke of...
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  4. #4
    Slow Out RSupdate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Surf City USA
    Patience my son......


    Time ....and the wisdom of your new found Early S registry elders will surely place the candles of 911 wisdom at your feet, lighting your pre-ordained path which destiny has bestowed upon you.

    Answers will come, but you must respect the pillars of time. For they will crumble as needed, leaving you with the knowledge you are seeking.

    Ahh.....those newbies......

    Johnny Riz
    73E euro 3.2 w. a few goodies
    Rgrp 152
    S Reg 335

  5. #5
    [b/"..I think it would be good for all the members. But as I said...perhaps this already exists and I am, by some twisted accident of fate, simply not on the e-list. ..."[/b]

    There is an email list and we use it for "all" the activities we have on a regional basis. I, being only responsible for the website, am not responsible for all of our member communications, but I will bring this to the attention of to our Activities, Membership and PR chairs. There is a link on the Registry front page to keep us up-to-date w/your email.

    For those with email (and internet access), I encourage members and lurkers to check in to the Registry website event calendar to see what's currently happening. BTW, our next Registry breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 11. Details will follow as soon as we have them.

    In regards to your Jr. status, that's just because ....... you haven't hit the magic number of responses on this BB - no other reason.

    Thanks for the pics of the RGruppe Run last weekend. I think everyone had fun. I did.

    As far as dues go, we usually send a gentleman named Guido to collect the dues, whether you owe them or not. :-)

    Early 911S Registry web

  6. #6


    Many thanks to John and Sherwood for their prompt responses. I found that John was loquatious, even elegant in his counceling on time and it's resourceful relationship to both my S-perience and my status within the Registry. However, it also depressed me, because I suddenly felt that unfortunate expressions of my fitfull mortality may be immenant. But as fate allows me to continue writing now, perhaps my time is not yet up here afterall. And a good thing too, as I have much work yet to do on my new S.

    As to Sherwood's specific relationship to my destiny within the Registry, he is always a most positive, informative and available resource. In fact, when I first went on-line several years ago to investigate early cars and possibly purchasing one, I found Sherwood's website/page/something on-line all about his cars. I e-mailed him some questions, and just like today, he got right back to me, complete stranger though I may have been at the time, and answered all of my querries, encouraging me to dive in and enjoy the ride.

    Thanks so much Sherwood. I have and I will. Especially now that I'm a real S-Man (not the very happy with my E wannabe that I was.)

    I REALLY look forward to my visit from GUIDO.


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