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Thread: 1966 911s Transmission

  1. #1

    1966 911s Transmission

    I want to know if all the transmissions in the 911s models were 5 speeds, and if they came with 4 speeds how can you tell the 4 speeds form the 5 speeds?..

  2. #2
    Not to be too flippant...but when you drive the car, the standard 4 speed has 4 forward speeds, and the optional 5 speed has five. The vast majority of early cars came with the "optional" 5 speed. If the car has it's original shift knob, a quick glance tells all.
    Paul D. Early S Registry #8 - Cyclops Minister of West Coast Affairs
    "Now, to put a water-cooled engine in the rear and to have the radiator in the front, that's not very intelligent." -Ferry Porsche (PANO, Oct. 1973)

  3. #3
    I just saw the eng/tranny Ian is talking about, theres no way to tell! Ive never seen so much rust on a bumper! The shifter is a black nob without a shift pattern.
    71 911S Targa

  4. #4

    901 trans

    transmission serial numbers are 901 301 101 0R
    the transmission also has a date on it 12/66
    Ant information would be greatly appreciated..

  5. #5
    Goldmember ttweed's Avatar
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    Oct 2002
    La Jolla, CA
    The numbers you have given are casting numbers, not the transaxle Type #, which is the key to identifying it. Look on the bottom for some stamped numbers (not cast-in raised characters). You should find a "902/0" for a USA 4-speed, or a "902/1" for a 5-speed Type # on a '66 911.

    BTW, if it was built 12/66, it is a '67 model year car. I don't think there were any Targas built before the '67 MY, were there? The VIN you quoted in the "Parts For Sale" forum of "500139" would be correct for a 1967 Targa, but unless it has an "S" appended to the serial # (e.g. "500139S"), it is just a 911. The "S" would have a Type #901/02 5-speed trans. as standard equipment.

    Tom Tweed
    Early S Registry #257
    R Gruppe #232
    Rennlist Founding Member #990416-1164
    PCA National DE Instructor
    Read my surf novel!

  6. #6

    Reply to tom

    Thank you tom!!! That's exactly what i needed to know!!!!
    The vin tag located under the front hood says this:
    Heizeinrichtung Typ 911 -------S 66 Does this mean anything??
    Your response tom would be greatly appreciated..

  7. #7
    the bumper sounds like it has R(ust)Gruppe posibilities. sorry could not pass that up.

    get in the car and shift it around. 6 slots would get my vote for a 5 speed.
    72 911t * 74 914 2.0

  8. #8


    I found the markings tom was reffering to, My trans is the 901/02 911s 5 speed,THANKS ALL....

  9. #9
    Goldmember ttweed's Avatar
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    Oct 2002
    La Jolla, CA

    Re: Reply to tom

    Originally posted by IAN VILLEZA
    The vin tag located under the front hood says this:
    Heizeinrichtung Typ 911 -------S 66 Does this mean anything??
    That is the tag located on the front crossmember? Here's mine from my '67S:

    The Type# on the left is the one that has the "S" that counts. The "S" after the squiggle and before the "66" on the right I have seen on many non-S models, and it may stand for "Stuttgart" for all I know.

    Glad you figured out the tranny puzzle.
    Tom Tweed
    Early S Registry #257
    R Gruppe #232
    Rennlist Founding Member #990416-1164
    PCA National DE Instructor
    Read my surf novel!

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