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Thread: Max Moritz Pistons/Pockets for S-Cams

  1. #1
    Senior Member Neunelfer's Avatar
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    Dec 2002
    Sandy, Utah

    Max Moritz Pistons/Pockets for S-Cams

    Has anyone ever cut deeper pockets in a set of Max Moritz pistons for use with S-Cams? I currently have three options for building my 3.0/3.2 MFI motor:

    1. JE's for 3.0 with 9.5:1. Haven't heard great things about JE's but it's still debatable. (noisey/expansion rate etc...) $1k

    2. Mahle Max Moritz 3.2's with 9.8:1. Just need to figure out if there's enough material there to cut deeper pockets for the S-Cams. Around $1k used?

    3. Mahle 3.2 RSR Pistons. Compression ratio would be reduced enough by using with the SC heads to allow for streetable CR (I'd like 9.8:1). Don't have actual CR figures though. Has anyone ever done this? Thoughts on what the CR might be? $3k plus! ouch (talk about deep pockets).

    Thanks for any input... the pistons are the great abyss I need to cross before moving forward on this engine. It seems as though everything is dependent on them.

    Eric - Sandy, Utah
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  2. #2
    Just perhaps, mind you Max Moritz has cut pistons for S cams....I know the second owner of RS lightweight #79 (final 2 of the VIN). It was an ex hillclimb car prepared by Max Moritz, if I recall what Roger (2nd owner) said. Since RS's ran "S" cams...???? but for a 3.2 bore? No idea...
    Paul D. Early S Registry #8 - Cyclops Minister of West Coast Affairs
    "Now, to put a water-cooled engine in the rear and to have the radiator in the front, that's not very intelligent." -Ferry Porsche (PANO, Oct. 1973)

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