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Thread: Rear wiper for early 911

  1. #1
    Senior Member curtisaa's Avatar
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    Pasadena, CA

    Rear wiper for early 911

    Does anyone have some pics of their early wiper assembly, location, and switch ??

  2. #2

    rear wiper


    I have the instructions for installation from the early shop manual,
    and can make a copy if you want. Let me know and I can bring a copy to the dinner a week from Saturday. You are going to be there? Let me know.

    All the best!


  3. #3
    Senior Member curtisaa's Avatar
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    Pasadena, CA


    Of course I'll be there...with my posse !!

  4. #4
    Slow Out RSupdate's Avatar
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    Surf City USA

    Re: OK...

    Originally posted by curtisaa
    Of course I'll be there...with my posse !!
    Does this mean you'll be there with ALL of your beautiful cars?

    or just Dave...........
    Johnny Riz
    73E euro 3.2 w. a few goodies
    Rgrp 152
    S Reg 335

  5. #5

    Rear wiper

    Curtis - my '69, that I'm (most likely) bringing on the Palm Springs on has an orignal rear wiper installed and working. You can check it out first hand...


  6. #6
    Senior Member curtisaa's Avatar
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    Oct 2002
    Pasadena, CA


    Thanks S...I'll email you the itinerary this week.

  7. #7
    First the logistics, you will need the three separate factory wiring harnesses that go from the wiper motor to the second harness that goes through the tunnel and is actually shashed to the main harness and fished through the small portion of the tunnel along were the main harness is situated and on up to the fuse box. Then a third harness continues on to the switch. In addition you will need all of the mechanical bits and pieces which not all of are available, the motor and main bracket are easy, but forget about the wiring harnesses. Last but not least you MUST have the proper rear deck lid that has the proper brazed in collar to accept the wiper arm shaft. Some cars had this provision mostly prior to 72 but 72 and after production didnt have the right decklid, just the hole with no collar. Additionally no A/C, but I have looked into it and it may be done, not easy but with a later wiper shaft modified to the right length maybe.


  8. #8
    Senior Member curtisaa's Avatar
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    Pasadena, CA


    I have all the mechanical pieces you've mentioned but I'm not clear on the "brazed collar" you speak of. Are you inferring to the etched in exterior and interior mounting area ?? BTW...this is going on a 72 targa....??

  9. #9
    Iam assuming you have all of the wiring as well, as for the brazed collar, all decklids will have the holes as viewed from the bottom where the wiper arm shaft is secured to the decklid, however some decklids do not have the collar fixed to the decklid inside this hole. Send me a photo of both of your cars the 70s and the 72 in the area of the wiper shaft as veiwed from the bottom.

  10. #10
    Curt? It rains in Pasadena???
    Paul D. Early S Registry #8 - Cyclops Minister of West Coast Affairs
    "Now, to put a water-cooled engine in the rear and to have the radiator in the front, that's not very intelligent." -Ferry Porsche (PANO, Oct. 1973)

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