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Thread: Help with hazard wiring

  1. #1

    Help with hazard wiring


    i am trying to sort out the wiring of my '65. Almost everything works now, except the hazards.
    My question is, are the "control light" items on the wiring diagram L57 the hazard circuitry? They are numbers 45, 46, 56, 57.


    '65 911

  2. #2
    from the diagram it looks like 57 is a loose/independant fuse which feed 45 (control light unit ) and 46 ( control light relay).

    when you pull the hazard/control knob ( 56) this completes the cicuit from terminal 86 to 85 on the control light relay/ 46 and
    starts the control light unit 45 . from the diagram of the relay 46 it look like it kills the power to the blinker flasher 44 when the hazards are turned on ( terminal 87a on 46 ).

    45 looks like it separates and combines the left and right circuits and the flasher in one unit.

    disclaimer ....there is a 99% possibility that i am wrong, but hopefully someone else will chime in. it sounds like you are on the right path.

    72 911t * 74 914 2.0

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