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Thread: How high are your torsion bars?

  1. #1

    How high are your torsion bars?


    Using the factory metheod to set the ride height you measure the difference in height between the torsion bar center and the stub center, should be 108mm (i think) My torsion bars measure 152mm from the ground, (Fenders are 25.5 inches) and this is way less than what the factory would suggest (i think it should be 200mm with 195/65/15 tires)
    So how high are your front torsion bars off the ground?
    '65 911

  2. #2

    same here

    My front fender openings are 25.5" from the garage floor with a nearly full tank. Same as yours.

    Back end slightly higher with noticable negative camber, approx 3/4".

    67 coupe roller
    99 M96 2.5 litre
    early911s reg 447
    R Gruppe 399

  3. #3

    new measurements

    OK, had Barbara and I climb in and out of the car, and measured again. The rear fender is 25.5" from floor and the front fender is 26.0" from the garage floor.

    The difference here is that my car has 185/70/R15 tires. Oh, and BTW Shawn and Snowbound are the same person. Insert Tabs joke here.

    Hope this helps. Shawn.

  4. #4

    That kinda confirms what i thought, that the factory height is really quite high. Unless something is very wrong, the front pan should be almost 2 inches higher.
    i haven't done the rears yet. i have to measure the otrsion bars, because the fenders are not the same length from the lower edge of the vent window to the lip. The left rear fender was changed after a pretty hard hit.
    '65 911

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