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Thread: Watershield Air Cleaners

  1. #1

    Watershield Air Cleaners

    Has anyone adapted Watershield Aircleaners to an MFI fuel injection system?

  2. #2
    Is your purpose to get more air? Or just like the look? JUst curious here...I know someone who has placed ITG filters on MFI, but can't recall seeing the watershield. Also, if you take EXCELLENCE, check out the ad on page 63, placed by Fabspeed...
    a carbon fiber set-up that looks interesting. I guess I just can't resist the mental building of a dream hot rod...
    Paul D. Early S Registry #8 - Cyclops Minister of West Coast Affairs
    "Now, to put a water-cooled engine in the rear and to have the radiator in the front, that's not very intelligent." -Ferry Porsche (PANO, Oct. 1973)

  3. #3

    Watershields on MFI

    Hi Vic,
    I just recently put some watershields on my early 911 which has Webber Carbs. I know that this is not a problem since they are made for Webers. However, I did not have any of the mounting nuts/bolts etc needed so I had to spend some time looking at what was necessary, and going thru the mounting process. It is pretty simple stuff. All the pieces needed were bought at Home Depot and fit perfectly.
    While I would have to look at the MFI set-up again in order to know if I am looking at this too facetiously, my experience last week and instincts tell me that it should be pretty easy to do. The bottom plate of the K&N's, which holds the filters in place and mounts onto the carbs holes, is the only place where the K&N filters have contact with the carb's (or in your case MFI). The sheet metal bottom would be the only place which needs adapting. There are 6 holes on each side which mount onto the same holes as the intake rings. Since the bottom plate is made out of pretty thin sheet metal, you can simply drill any holes necessary to make it fit onto the MFI. The rest of the K&N filter set-up comprises 4 bolts on each side which simply hold the rain caps and filter to the bottom plate and don't have any contact whatsoever with the stacks. Let me know what you come up with.

  4. #4
    Longhoods forever! silverc4s's Avatar
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    Somewhere in Texas
    I did this mod a while back for my 2.2 S motor, and was pretty dissatisfied with the results. Threw it in the corner & put the stock setup back on...
    The right one is a drop fit, but over on the driver's side, well that's another story. On the inside forward edge, the HP fuel lines are in the way of the base plate, and part of the lower filter sealing ring. On the rear outboard edge, the lever arm that operates the fuel cutoff microswitch wants to cut a big slice into the base plate and the bottom inch or two of the filter. A real PITA to work around, as I said, i was unhappy with my results.
    Besides, the gurus I know say that the stock airbox is part of the design and you lose some HP by going to K&Ns with the MFI.I may look into that Fabseed CF airbox though, anybody done that???..
    Just my experience, YMMV, of course.

  5. #5
    Thanks for the advice. I too was concerned about the fuel line set-up on the drivers side.


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