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Thread: '67 S distributor advance curve

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Baltimore, MD

    '67 S distributor advance curve

    Does anyone have a plot of the advance curve for a '67 S distributor, BOSCH p/n 0231-159-002?


    '71 911S
    '99 748

  2. #2
    I think I have that one in my car. According to the factory repair manual:

    10 deg (crank) @ 1000 rpm (engine)
    20 deg @ 1600 - 4800 rpm
    climbs to approx. 25 deg. beginning at 4800 rpm

    The total advance will be approx. 25 deg + whatever your initial timing is at idle. Spec is 5 deg. BTDC for a total of 30 deg. BTDC @ 6600 rpm.

    There's a +/- range on the advance chart. The above is the + limit. The - limit is 6 deg. LESS. So you may wish to check and optimize the distributor curve.

    BTW, this is the quickest advancing distributor of the early 911s (small s).

    Hope this helps,

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Baltimore, MD
    Thanks Sherwood, that's just what I was looking for. Without putting it on a distributor machine, it looks like the advance curve on mine may have been quickened up even more than your specs state.

    A follow-up question: on the outside of the distributor housing it looks like there are tapped holes for a tag. The location I am referring to is directly opposite the yellow Bosch part number tag. Any idea or pics of what was supposed to be there?

    Thanks in advance!


  4. #4
    Sherwood's curve description is accurate,if you want the chart, I can send a copy. However, basic setting at 5deg BTDC is when the engine is at stop, not idle. You are already getting about 10 deg advance at idle. Manual says to set timing at 30 deg BTDC when running engine at 6000 rpm. The screw holes you asked about are for the condenser mounting bracket.

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