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Thread: Pulled case studs

  1. #1

    Pulled case studs

    I have 73 1/2 911 T with pulled head studs. There use to be a kit that was offered at various places including Stugard West that allowed you to retap the case adn remove the filings without splitting it. Does anyone have any of these kits or no where I can find them?

    Does anyone know another way of doing this taht avoids a rebuild?



  2. #2
    Stupid me. I wrote the following in answer to a five year old post. Apologies to all for wasting your time.

    I've not heard of such a kit but can't imagine it would last long. Case savers are essential to a fix that lasts. How could you get them in?
    santa barbara
    74 911 coupe. 2.7 redone by Competition Engineering; ported to 36mm, shuffle-pinned, boat-tailed, Elgin mod-S cams, J&E 9.5's, PMO's.
    73 Targa (much beloved, sold and off to a fine new home in San Francisco)

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