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Thread: S-Caliper Sping Plates, Same as A-Calipers?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Neunelfer's Avatar
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    S-Caliper Sping Plates, Same as A-Calipers?

    Hi Gang,

    I have a couple sets of S-Caipers that are need of the spring plates that mount between the pins above the pads.

    Question: Are the spring plates from the A-Calipers the same? I was under the impression the A-Calipers were of the same design only steel...

    I believe I can order the plates for A-Calipers but the S-Caliper part lists as NLA.

    If you have any spares laying aroung you're more than welcome to send them my way!

    Thanks in advance for the advice.
    Eric - Sandy, Utah
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  2. #2
    Can't say for sure, but they look identical in the printed parts book and the PET CD. Parts numbers are of little help as Porsche lists the parts kits that include the pin/spring hardware kit with pads (pads are identical in shape but are different in thickness of the friction material). There is an S spring only number, but nothing to compare it with an A caliper spring.

    Someone probably has the simple yes or no answer.

    Early 911S Registry web

  3. #3
    Just saw these on Ebay. Thought you might be interested.

    Early 911S Registry web

  4. #4
    Senior Member Neunelfer's Avatar
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    I needed the pins anyway... I was going to pick them up from Stomski so... for $20 bucks, I'll try them and post the answer.
    Eric - Sandy, Utah
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Neunelfer's Avatar
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    And the answer is...


    Thanks for the link. Now I simply need one more pair of springs of the GT project. Any extras floating around out there?? If not I'm sure they're fairly cost effective from Mr. Dealer. Roger?? ;-)

    Thanks again!
    Eric - Sandy, Utah
    71 911
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