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Thread: engine weight

  1. #1

    engine weight

    Anyone know off hand how much a porsche motor (without the tranny and with or without oil) weighs (I'd weigh mine but it is mid rebuild)?


  2. #2
    Early 911S Registry # 237 NeunElf's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    San Dimas, CA
    Why yes, I do know how much an engine weighs.

  3. #3
    Early 911S Registry # 237 NeunElf's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    San Dimas, CA
    Oh, so you want to know, too.

    According to an early 911/2000 Brochure in my collection,

    Engine weight: approx 405 lbs complete without oil

    Transmission weight: approx 110 lbs complete WITH oil

    This is for the 1965 model year which means sand-cast aluminum cases and Solex carbs. The weight might have changed slightly with the changes to Webers and then to MFI. I think the eventual switch to magnesium cases saved something on the order of 20 to 40 lbs.

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