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Thread: Windshield Polishing?

  1. #1
    B-b-buy Bushwood?!?!
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Topanga Canyon, CA

    Windshield Polishing?

    I have a surface scratch along the wiper arc on my 911E windshield.

    Is there some kind of polish to remove this or is the only solution to replace the windshield?

    Sandy Isaac
    '69 911E

  2. #2
    Scope Creep Poster Child
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Eugene, Oregon
    Yes, there is such a thing. I purchase some glass polish from an auto parts store, and have used it on several areas that resisted any other means of cleaning. It will take out scratches, it's just a matter of elbow grease. Good luck!
    Early S Registry 1047
    ’15 VW GTI
    '70 911E, Sold

    '56 Cliff May Prefab

  3. #3
    B-b-buy Bushwood?!?!
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Topanga Canyon, CA
    Thanks for the help Scott.

    Would you happen to have the name of that glass polish handy?
    Sandy Isaac
    '69 911E

  4. #4
    Scope Creep Poster Child
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Eugene, Oregon
    I don't. I'll check tonight and get back to you.
    Early S Registry 1047
    ’15 VW GTI
    '70 911E, Sold

    '56 Cliff May Prefab

  5. #5
    B-b-buy Bushwood?!?!
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Topanga Canyon, CA
    Thank you much.
    Sandy Isaac
    '69 911E

  6. #6
    Eastwood has that, I think.

    If very light, you can try toothpaste.

  7. #7
    Scope Creep Poster Child
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Eugene, Oregon
    The stuff I used is called "No Touch Auto Glass Stripper." It is abrasive, so I think it might work as long as the scratches are not too deep. It will certainly clean up all sorts of other blemishes.
    Early S Registry 1047
    ’15 VW GTI
    '70 911E, Sold

    '56 Cliff May Prefab

  8. #8
    also you can use jewelers polish. Jewelers (hence the name) use it to get scratches out of watches and other crystals. Never figured out where to buy it though. I don't know if a jeweler would sell it or not
    '71 911S Targa

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