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Thread: Early 911 Colors

  1. #1

    Early 911 Colors

    I am going through a repaint on my 67 911 and while I am getting deeper into this, I thought I would start a thread which would be useful for other members who may be going through the process of re-paint, or may in the future.
    Since color brochures are hard to find or so old that the colors are dirty and faded and therefore not very accurate, I have been bouncing around the web (primarily on Google) searching sites for helpful info to determine the various early colors offered, and as importantly what they look like, since one rarely has a chance to see some of these colors, except at the rare Porsche meet, Ebay auctions, and chance occurrences on the highway.
    The original color of my 67' is light ivory which is too bland for my taste buds. Therefore, I am looking at a repaint in a different color. I am usually a stickler for originality, but in this case, I am going to break with my instincts for re-sale value and go with a color I like instead, but preferably acolor hat is original for the year. According to the Peter Morgan book, there were nine standard colors and thirty special order colors for build years 1966/67 (Porsche also painted to sample. However, since these colors are undocumented, it is not possible to discuss these).
    The stock colors were;
    Slate Gray (6601)
    Polo Red (6602)
    Gulf Blue (6603)
    Light Ivory (6604)
    Bahama Yellow (6605)
    Irish Green (6606)
    Sand Beige (6607)
    Aga Blue (6608)
    Black (6609)
    Attached is a color chart I found on the 912 registry site which shows the early 911 and 912 standard factory colors (912's offered the same colors).
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  2. #2

    More Color Info

    It gets better. I found another website for early 911's (click on the link below) which provides a list of early 911's (NOT FOR SALE) indicating build year, car color, and in numerous cases pic's of their cars. Some of the cars listed offers a good opportunity to see many of the early 911 colors and compare them (I would expect that in a more than a few cases, some of these cars belong to registry members). There are some nice rigs here!

  3. #3

    More Color Info

    The early SWB car colors seem much easier to sort thru since the standard colors for 1964/65 seem to be straight from the earlier 356 list. They were the following:
    Slate Grey (6401)
    Ruby Red (6402)
    Enamel Blue (6403)
    Light Ivory (6404)
    Champagne Yellow( 6405)
    Irish Green (6406)
    Signal Red (6407)

    ...while special order colors for 64/65 were limited to:

    Dolphin Grey (6410)
    Togo Brown (6411)
    Bali Blue (6412)
    Black (6413) - (It's hard to believe that black was considered a special order color in the 1960's, not to mention gray and brown?!)

    Things thankfully opened up however with the 66/67 years. Here is a list of the special order colors listed in Morgan's book:
    Burgundy Red (30868)
    Maroon (30736)
    Tangerine (p2002)
    Metallic Dark Red (30847)
    Champagne Yellow (16153)
    Signal Yellow (r1007)
    Lemon (Canary) Yellow (r1012)
    Medium Ivory (17657)
    Lido Gold (17656)
    Golden Green (62165)
    Signal Green (r6001)
    Bush (Leaf) Green (62163)
    Metallic Dark Green (62109)
    Turkey (Turquoise) green (r6016)
    Velvet Green (62162)
    Sea Green (62164)
    Crystal Blue (52254)
    Pastel Blue (r5012)
    Prussian (Ossi) Blue (r5009)
    Metallic Blue (52300)
    Ultra Blue (r5013)
    Olive (62166)
    Sepia Brown (r8007)
    Coffe Brown (80342)
    Stone Grey (75741)
    Light Grey (75742)
    Cloudy Grey (r7030)
    Beige Grey (70192)
    Black (95043)
    Silver Metallic (96024)

    Now my dilemma....
    I was initially planning to go with to an original early 911 color on my 67' for my car, and the color I was going to go with was Irish Green. However, I was in Munich in April and by chance saw an early 911 drive by that was a beautiful bright green color. I only saw it go by at for about 5 seconds, but from what I could gather, I am pretty certain it was long wheel base early 911 (69-73). Since then, and after doing a lot of research, I believe I have narrowed it down to one of the following colors:

    Conda Green (222 - 1970 paint code#) or (2626 - 1971 paint code#)

    Emerald/Viper Green (225 - 1972/73 paint code #)

    Jade Green (227)

    I looked around the web and have not been able to find many pic's of early 911's in these colors. There is one Conda green 911 in the 911S website referenced above, but the pic is small and seems a little underexposed. I know this is reaching, but I was also able to find pic's of a few toy 911's painted in Conda green. Not exactly the best way to make an accurate decision on paint color, but anything helps.
    I am wondering if anyone has an early 911 in one these colors that they can post digital pic's for me? Also, does anyone know which of the above listed greens are brighter than the others? Is it possible to assume that Porsche used some logic here, and assigned progressively higher paint code numbers for each shade of green color as it became brighter? For instance, I notice that the darkest green offered is Irish green which is paint code #213, while Leaf green is #218, Emerald/Viper green is paint code #225, Lime Green is #226, and Jade green is #227. I find it hard to believe that lime green is considered darker than Jade green, but I have never seen cars in these colors side by side...

    I don't want to order paint for my car without knowing exactly whay it looks like first. One idea I had was to go to PPG's website and look at color chart. However, they don't have any of these colors on their site. PPG do have the paint code numbers listed on their search engine, but they don't have a swatch that they can send out.
    One possibility. They will mix a bottle of touch up paint and send it out for $23. Kind of an expensive option, if I want to compare 3-4 different paints and toss all but one of them, but at least I will know what I am getting.

    Anyone have any good ideas o feedback????

  4. #4

    Conda Green Pic's

    Here are the pic's of Conda green I have.
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  5. #5

    Another pic of Conda green

    One more pic of conda green
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  6. #6
    Check out this page for colours:
    1972 911T Light Yellow Targa

  7. #7

    You Want Green?

    The first car you show looks like Conda Green to me. The second car however looks like it might be Jade Green.

    Light Ivory is a mild color but I really like it. Very period color. Have you seen the new Mini's in Ivory? They look great.

    Here's some more green cars.

    First up:

    Viper Green
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    71' Olive 2.2E Targa / Early S #491

    I've always considered the glass to be half full...that is until I reached middle age and realized that it is actually half empty.

  8. #8
    Next up:

    Irish Green
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    71' Olive 2.2E Targa / Early S #491

    I've always considered the glass to be half full...that is until I reached middle age and realized that it is actually half empty.

  9. #9

    It's Shagadelic!
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    71' Olive 2.2E Targa / Early S #491

    I've always considered the glass to be half full...that is until I reached middle age and realized that it is actually half empty.

  10. #10
    "they put the lime in the coconut and stirred it all up and I say doctor!!"
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    71' Olive 2.2E Targa / Early S #491

    I've always considered the glass to be half full...that is until I reached middle age and realized that it is actually half empty.

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