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Thread: Maximum HP from a 911s 1971

  1. #1

    Maximum HP from a 911s 1971

    IS the 190 HP claimed as max HP, the full potential of the 2.2?

  2. #2
    I am attempting to answer that question after my rebuild (in process now), 2.2L adding turbo. Porsche got 400 some HP out of 2.1L, with race gas and a very short lifespan. If you are looking to keep the motor stock, then rather lighten the car for most performance benifit.

  3. #3
    Moderator Chuck Miller's Avatar
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    The 'old' racing rule of thumb that applied from the mid 60's through the late 70's is that a normally aspirated engine in 'race tune' should attain approximately 100 reliable hp per liter.
    There for, your 2.2 liter should be able to get approx. 220 hp ... this theoretically, would not be a qualifying 'hand grenade', but a 'reliable race motor' that could be taken to it's limit all day long ... These engines typically had there major components checked and 'freshened' on a frequent schedule.

    In the 'new' racing world with computer controlled spark and fuel, and new cam and head technology ... only heaven knows what reliable max hp is today.

    Hope this helps,
    Chuck Miller
    Creative Advisor/Message Board Moderator - Early 911S Registry #109
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  4. #4

    2.2S hp max

    Don't mean to split hairs, but factory stock 2.2S is suppossed to be 180hp. The 2.4S is suppossed to be 190. Hell, you could easily get another 20hp just out of porting and polishing the heads which gets you to RS-land w/out even increasing to the 2.7 bore. Anything is possible. It's a question of money and engine longevity.

  5. #5
    Thank-you for your input.

    In Aust, we have a category of racing called Group N which are pre 72 racing cars. I'm looking at purchasing a 71 911 s which I think would be perfect for this category I have taken the liberty of including the URL to the club

    At the moment I'm racing an Aust muscle car, but after driving a Porsche 911/964 (I don't think purists like these?) in a recent Aust. Grand Prix Car Rally I love the idea of a hard reving, reliable, highly engineered car which I believe Porsche are.

    I had been contemplated an older Porche for the under 2litre capacity, but after reading many threads on your forum and talking to owners through the Porsche club it sounds as though I have to be a retired engineer to keep the car going through lack of available parts.

    Is anybody aftermarket or otherwise making the aluminium panels - to lighten the cars as per factory.



  6. #6
    Goldmember ttweed's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Chuck Miller
    In the 'new' racing world with computer controlled spark and fuel, and new cam and head technology ... only heaven knows what reliable max hp is today.
    The Honda S2000 engine has the highest specific output of any production, NA auto engine at 120HP/liter, which is comparable with the best 1.6 liter Cosworth BDD race engines of the old school, or a modern Toyota Formula Atlantic race engine.

    Originally posted by Aus911s
    Is anybody aftermarket or otherwise making the aluminium panels - to lighten the cars as per factory.
    AFAIK, you would have to have aluminum panels hand-fabricated. Be prepared to open your wallet very wide, as fabricators with the skill to do this are few and far between these days, and they are booked up with work. Most people just opt for fiberglass or carbon fiber panels- much cheaper and easily available.

    Sounds like a fun series you're contemplating. Kinda like our HSR WEST out here.

    Tom Tweed
    Early S Registry #257
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  7. #7

    Re: 2.2S hp max

    Originally posted by garth wagner
    Don't mean to split hairs, but factory stock 2.2S is suppossed to be 180hp. The 2.4S is suppossed to be 190. Hell, you could easily get another 20hp just out of porting and polishing the heads which gets you to RS-land w/out even increasing to the 2.7 bore. Anything is possible. It's a question of money and engine longevity.
    I don't mean to split hairs, but the 2.2S motor received both 180 and 190 hp ratings, depends on the the scale. Back then there was the european measure, 180 hp, and the 'merican sae rating of 190. They've since standardized hp ratings and usually quote the sae specs.
    '71 911S Targa

  8. #8
    With a few Bruce Anderson modifications put to good use, I'm probably making 210-220hp with my MFI 2.4S.

    Chuck, however, is right on the money with his previous post of liter per horsepower quiotes on a racing engine.

    Hey, Chuck, how's the motor coming?
    SReg. #778 OGrp: #8 RGrp: #---
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  9. #9
    Moderator Chuck Miller's Avatar
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    Hey bud...

    It's all apart and the different pieces are starting to be sent out…

    Just finishing up 'parts cleaning hell'...

    Man, these P motors sure do grow when they're all apart on the table …
    YOU know that cause you've been lookin, playin, and workin in the shop since you could walk…

    Thanks for the inquire Marco...
    Chuck Miller
    Creative Advisor/Message Board Moderator - Early 911S Registry #109
    R Gruppe #88

    TYP901 #62
    '73S cpe #1099 - Matched # 2.7/9.5 RS spec rebuild
    '67 Malibu 327 spt cpe - Period 350 Rebuild

    ’98 Chevy S-10 – Utility
    ’15 GTI – Commuter

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