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Thread: Basketweave material...

  1. #1

    Basketweave material...

    I removed a non-functioning Blaupunkt Frankfurt (not sure why it's not working) and while I'm figuring out what's wrong with it, I'd like to make some sort of radio block off plate. Where can I get some basketweave material to make a little plate to cover the hole?



  2. #2
    Autos International for Tony) for the basketweave and Dave "The Hardware Freak" Buhain for the block off plate.
    Early S Registry #235
    rgruppe #111

  3. #3


    I'll check those guys out.

    In the meanwhile, I got the Frankfurt to work, so it might go back in, after I make a trim panel and cover it w/ the basketweave.

    I think I've got a 914 door panel laying around that's the wrong color...can o' spray paint will take care of that!


  4. #4
    Do yourself a favor and buy some "leatherique" or other spray type dye for vinyl or leather. Paint just isn't going to cut it.
    Early S Registry #235
    rgruppe #111

  5. #5
    There is a radio blanking plate on Ebay

    Nick Moss - Early 911S #476 - RGruppe #318 -

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