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Thread: 1969 911 targa I need help

  1. #1

    1969 911 targa I need help

    Got a little problem, any advice or ideas would be appreciated.
    I've got a 69 911 targa with the 2.0 litre six cylinder coupled to the four speed manual transmission. The problem is that when leaving from a stop you get a major wheel hop which feels very similar to severe clutch chatter. The clutch is new. ( release bearing, pressure plate, clutch disc and flywheel was machined, pilot bearing was good) The vibrations are so severe that the tranny will pop out of gear if you try to ride out the shakes. Motor mounts, tranny mounts,and control arm bushings are all tight. Any ideas? Thanks for any contributions to my dilemma.

  2. #2
    Do you also have a pretty good vibration that wasn't there before?
    If so, it sounds like exactly what happened with my flywheel, it was machined incorrectly (at an angle) and is now junk....

  3. #3
    the vibration was there before all the work was done. We thought it was the clutch at first.

    I've talked to a few people now, and the clutch cable keeps coming up as a possibility.

    Any suggestions?
    I'd like to have some idea before taking the whole car apart again.

    I don't think I can take this car apart too many more times before I lose my cool.

  4. #4
    Longhoods forever! silverc4s's Avatar
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    Apr 2003
    Somewhere in Texas
    There are two different thickness clutch discs for the 69 clutch (215 mm dia), i recall.
    The standard (Steel) Pressure plate uses a THICK disc, and the S (Aluminum) Pressure plate uses a THIN disc.
    If you have the Steel PP with the THIN disc, this could be the PROBLEM...I had the opposite situation once, Alum PP with THICK disc, clutch would not disengage...
    Just a hunch, but worth looking into, possibly you can research the part numbers used in your recent repair..


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