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Thread: Photo of Sport Kit catch can location needed

  1. #1

    Photo of Sport Kit catch can location needed

    Looking for help in mounting a factory catch can in the engine compartment of my 68 L fac. rallye car. I have the can and general location but need the details on mounting, hardware and exact location. Anyone with a factory install? Thanks much.



  2. #2

    Sportkit catch tank info


    The strap used to hold in the catch tank is from a 356 B/C fuse box cover or windsheld washer bottle, it's rubber with wire ends. the factory service bulletin shows two views of the installation.
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    Ernie W
    member of Early 911S Registry

  3. #3

    Sincere thanks for the valuable and very helpful information. While it should be easy to get the 356 strap, any ideas where to get the holdowns? Typically they are welded in the 356 if I remember right. Again Thankyou.



  4. #4

    Catch tank detailed info

    For the hold downs on the catch tank, i've used two metal tabs that I found in later 911's (1971 parts book shows # 901.503.075.00) they are used in the trunk to hold the the side fender trunk mats in place, look at the fender bolts, and you'll see 6 per car, just remove the snap and you end up with a flat metal braket, one end has a 6mm hole and the other has an 8mm, just bend it 90 deg. The rubber strap is part # 644.628.091.00, the hexagon bolt size is M 6 X 20, the washer is a spring type B 6, and the nut is a plain M 6. I have two that I can send you, no charge, just e mail me with a mail address. The photo shows black painted, and cad plated ones. No one will ever know. I have reference info for early 911's and the Typ. 911R
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    Ernie W
    member of Early 911S Registry

  5. #5

    Sportskit part #

    hope this works, e
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Ernie W
    member of Early 911S Registry

  6. #6
    Sorry for being a fool, but what is this catch tank for? Oil or petrol? It mounts in the trunk or engine bay? *puzzled*


  7. #7

    catch tank

    On early 911 racing cars this tank is mounted inside the engine compartment behind the right rear shock tower on the firewall. The engine vents into it, so you don't dump oil on the track. The plastic bottle is the windshield washer bottle thats mounted in the front trunk of 911 series cars. The factory just used this bottle as a dual purpose part on racing cars.
    Ernie W
    member of Early 911S Registry

  8. #8

    But does it drain back to the oil tank?

    Will there be any benefits to a street car?

    Hehe... I'm thinking of installing watershields and then venting to a tank! Will this work? Someone told me that the it's also good to vent the fume to the aircleaner as it will lubricate the carb butterfly shafts?


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