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Thread: Help? 1973 'S Oil pressure gauge problem.

  1. #1

    Help? 1973 'S Oil pressure gauge problem.

    Last night I pulled my oil pressure/temperature gauge, took off the bezel, cleaned the glass, and reinstalled it. Now, as soon as the key is turned to the first position, the needle jumps to the top of the gauge (above 140) and stays there under all operating conditions until the car is turned back off. It was working perfectly before last night. What have I done and how do I fix it? Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Dallas, TX
    I have read that if the electrical circuit to the oil guarge is pegged to the top, there is a broken connection somewhere. Double check that you plugged everything back in the same place.

    BTW, can you tell me how many trunk lights you have in your '73S? What month was it built?
    '73 911S targa

  3. #3
    Which lights do you mean? I just have one light on the passenger side under the front hood and one in the center under the engine lid. I'm not sure which month the car was built, it's VIN# 9113310454.

    Thanks for the tip on the wiring. I had double and triple checked the wiring against the pictures that I took before pulling the wires, but one wire had fallen off when I pulled the gauge and slipped down into the dash where I couldn't see it. It took several minutes of feeling around before I found it, but I hooked it up and everything works fine.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Dallas, TX

    Glad it worked out for you.

    I was talking about the light mounted in the hood. Apparently the guy at the body shop got his dates wrong. From what I was told in another thread, they stopped installing two trunk lights with the '72 model.
    '73 911S targa

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