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Thread: tool sequence in 73 tool bag

  1. #1

    tool sequence in 73 tool bag

    Fellow Travellers,

    Can anybody tell me the correct way to put tools in a 73S toolbag? Everytime I try to organize my tool bag I feel that I am putting a square peg in a round hole. When I try to snap it closed, it seems that the tools are not aligned correctly because it never seems to fold cleanly.

    What is the correct sequence say from left to right? What tool(s) goes in what slot? Brett Johnson's book shows the list of what tools should be in a complete kit (luckily I have all of the tools he lists). Now all I need is the coorect sequence to load them in the bag. The good news is that I have figured where the fan belt goes.

    Thanks for the help. Now I can go back to worrying about life's more important issues: Like where does the 'white' go when snow melts.


  2. #2
    Look at my photo on the other board,,,, the bag with the snaps,,,, the tools are in the correct order......

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