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Thread: factory a/c

  1. #1

    factory a/c

    I must defend the factory installed A/C on the earlier cars. I have experienced factory installed A/C on both 1972 and 1973 models that worked quite well. The additional condensor forward w/ fan must make the difference. Though I have had dealer installed A/C as well, it was less effective. My current 73 w/ factory air produces 39 degree conditioned air consistantly..............well o.k., not quite that cold at idle. Even though we only experience "warm" temperatures in the NW occasionally, 85-95 degree weather puts it to the test. I also believe that the integrity of the factory system complete with the front protection bars represents the epitomy of early touring luxury.

  2. #2
    Jared Rundell - Registered User JCR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Birmingham, MI

    Re: factory a/c

    Originally posted by modav8
    I also believe that the integrity of the factory system complete with the front protection bars represents the epitomy of early touring luxury.
    Quite a comment, please expand a little further - do you mean from a visual or functional standpoint?

    I have all these parts in a box now, maybe You could modav8 me to reinstall them instead of going to the cleaner euro sans bumperette look??
    '73 911S #0793
    '69 912_ #0602
    Early S #0454
    RGruppe #0391

  3. #3

    A/C info

    I purchased my first 911 in '73, a 1972 911T w/ factory a/c and it was terrific. The look was clean and it worked as I previously stated. The '73 model was just coming out and the exterior change was the extended black bumperettes, some black trim: ie. turn and tail lenses along with the lettering on the trunk lid and of course the oil filler was returned to the inside of the engine compartment. There were some additonal interior differences like seat belts and and heater control lights, but enough said. The factory a/c also included the condenser guards, which were bars fashioned to provide protection, coming from under the front bumperettes. These were the latest upgrades/updates offered with the a/c system and at the time, and I believe now, contribute to the integrity of the model as it was intended. By the way, your owners manual should show interior pictures of the factory installation including the complete under dash "skinny" vents and control knobs on either side of the ashtray. Sooo, put it back the way PORSCHE intended, for the sake of good order. It worked well, or chose a design that suits you better.

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