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Thread: Rear brake rotors for '67S

  1. #1

    Rear brake rotors for '67S

    A simple question: where do I get rear brake rotors for a '67S? I believe they're NLA -- so I'm looking for NOS kicking around somewhere (or even a used pair with plenty of life). I haven't seen any on ebay. Any clues appreciated. Thanks, Bram.

  2. #2
    Goldmember ttweed's Avatar
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    Last time I checked they were available from the dealer, but be prepared to choke on the price. The '67-68 rear rotors only fit those two years, and it is not worth it for the aftermarket suppliers to jump into that narrow market, so the factory bits are all there is. I think they were around $300 each. I decided to surface mine since there was room to do it within spec.

    Tom Tweed
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  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    I can cut your search in half. I have one slightly used rear (10.3 mm thick)for a pre -68. If you are in the 48 states, $30 includes shipping by UPS.

    Let me know.

    Member #789
    1970 VW Sunroof Kombi Bus - "The Magic Bus"
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  4. #4
    Hey Harry........
    If the original poster does not want that single rotor, I'll take it!
    If TT says they are still available, then they are. I heard they are NLA. I have one extra set, but owning 3 SWB S cars I would be nuts to part with them.

  5. #5
    Woooops, wait a minute........If it measures 10.3 mm thick, then it is not a "S" vented rotor!

  6. #6
    Goldmember ttweed's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Rick Cabell
    If TT says they are still available, then they are.
    Keep in mind the last time I checked was several years ago, but Pioneer Porsche could still get them for me then.

    An alternative is to fit the later rear rotor and give up or modify your parking brake. That is really the only difference- the hat for the parking brake drum is a different size, I believe.

    At 10.3mm, Harry's rotor must be the early solid type, not the "S".

    Tom Tweed
    Early S Registry #257
    R Gruppe #232
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  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Originally posted by ttweed
    Keep in mind the last time I checked was several years ago, but Pioneer Porsche could still get them for me then.

    An alternative is to fit the later rear rotor and give up or modify your parking brake. That is really the only difference- the hat for the parking brake drum is a different size, I believe.

    At 10.3mm, Harry's rotor must be the early solid type, not the "S".

    Correct. Early solid type.

    Member #789
    1970 VW Sunroof Kombi Bus - "The Magic Bus"
    1973.5 911T Targa for fun - "Smokey"
    2009 MB C300

  8. #8
    You can take an Early 944 rear rotor and cut about .060" off of the outside dia. and bolt it right up.

  9. #9
    If I use the turned-down early 944 rear rotor does the handbrake still work?

  10. #10

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