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Thread: I forgot about the bogus front suspension

  1. #1

    I forgot about the bogus front suspension

    In my search for an early 2.2 liter coupe, I might have found a candidate that may, or may not, still have boge hydro-pneumatic self leveling front suspension.

    Anyone know if the conversion kits are still available and what would the total expense be. I am researching a dollar figure for future purchase negotiation...I consider this cost to be a rather large reduction from purchase price.

    I keep forgetting about the "bogus" self leveling struts and the "comfort group" wheel and tire set ups that the 69 through 71 911 cars had as standard and optional equipment.

    Most cars have had the rims updated to 15" or greater to eliminate the comfort group, but the self leveling set up is one that I am unfamiliar with. This old Pelican discussion is quite helpful.

    I would be grateful if you would add your thoughts and experience in regarding this matter.

    Many thanks in advance, Shawn.

    Edited) to correct 15" (inches)
    67 coupe roller
    99 M96 2.5 litre
    early911s reg 447
    R Gruppe 399

  2. #2
    Perhaps OK Foreign Crash, Parts Heaven or Dave Buhain at MS Road Race. I think you should be able to put something together from a parts bin.
    You know that the original Mini Coopers had a hydro-pneumatic suspension too. It's the first thing that gets ripped out if it hasn't already happened.

    Good luck,

    Early S Registry #235
    rgruppe #111

  3. #3
    The parts you need usually end up in the crusher because no one wants them. Check with any of the guys on PP Classifieds that are parting their cars. You should be able to get these parts cheap.
    71' Olive 2.2E Targa / Early S #491

    I've always considered the glass to be half full...that is until I reached middle age and realized that it is actually half empty.

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