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Thread: replacing oil return tubes

  1. #1

    replacing oil return tubes

    I'm tackling oil leaks one at a time and making good progress. My next step is to replace the oil return tubes. I just put the o-rings on with silicon grease and put the two ends together. Even on the workbench, it takes all my strength to move the two ends apart. There's no way they are going budge when they're under the car. They are ridiculously tight. I can tell a vice grip or hose clamp just won't do it.

    Advice? Is there a more slippery grease I could have used? Why is there no specialty tool for this job? I'm going to invent one, I think.
    '66 912
    '50 VW Bug
    '89 VW syncro Tristar Doka
    '83 VW Westfalia

  2. #2
    Are these the Porsche "produced" tubes or aftermarket? There are some differences in quality. I've done this job a few times and while it's not easy you should not be having this much difficulty. I would say that if you invent something "they will come" (and buy it!).

    Good luck. Wish I had more to give you.

    Early S Registry #235
    rgruppe #111

  3. #3

    Tried hose clamps?

    Pelican-boarders suggested using hose clamps, giving you a place to push against with a screwdriver w/o deforming the tube itself.

    I didn't resort to that, just used a large pair of channel-locks very carefully.


  4. #4
    The tubes I have are German, a brand called Laso. I read some other posts on Pelican, and others have had the same problem, where the tubes are extremely hard to move. The way it is right now, hose clamps or vice grips just won't work. I might try a different lubricant. Others have said they just struggle with it and destroy a couple tubes in the process. Some have come up with nifty little solutions with various clamps, but their method only works on 3 of the 4 tubes, where the space or leverage permits access. Or, it only works if the heat exchangers are removed. Even Wayne Dempsey says in his book to buy 2 extras for the ones you will surely destroy. At $25 a pop, this is ridiculous. Therefore, I shall embark on a tool-designing quest. My brother-in-law already designs, produces, and sells tools for Porsches, mostly for specialty racing purposes. So my project will be no problem to impliment, if we decide its worth it. I think it is.
    '66 912
    '50 VW Bug
    '89 VW syncro Tristar Doka
    '83 VW Westfalia

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