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Thread: what's it worth: '69 911e relay board - for MFI with RPM tranducer thing

  1. #1

    what's it worth: '69 911e relay board - for MFI with RPM tranducer thing


    I posted this message at the "other" 911 forum. For some reason not many of my posts get replies. Anyway, perhaps this group can provide some feedback? Thanks.
    what's it worth: '69 911e relay board - for MFI with RPM tranducer thing

    This is another one of those "what's it worth?" posts.

    I am installing a 3.0 motor with carbs/electromotive into a '69 E.

    As a result, I don't think I will need the rear relay board. It is in nice condition and has the RPM transducer thing and voltage regulator along with a '69 pin harness which I believe goes to the motor. I have the cover to the voltage regulator. The 3 pin CD box has been sold. I have not identified all of the relays but the car does have rear window defogger so I think 1 relay is for that.

    As I understand it, wiring for 69 911e/911s was unique so I'm thinking that this assembly is NLA from Porsche and might be of some value to someone restoring a 69 911e/s.

    Any thoughts on this? Here's a pic:

    pelican post w/pic
    95 968 cabriolet
    69 911e 3.0 transplant (sold)

  2. #2

    Am interested in your relay board. Check your PM and E-mail me at
    Mark Lindman
    1969 911S
    1967 911 T Hot Rod
    (If Randy ever sells it to me)
    1956 HRG Twin Cam
    1951 212 Drogo Spyder
    Early 911S Member #496

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