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Thread: Bigger Fuel Tank....

  1. #1

    Bigger Fuel Tank....

    Hi Guys!

    What do you think about installing a 85 liter CIS tank in place of our measly 62 liter ones? What's involved? I think it should be plug and play, right?

    Haha... Why do I want to do it? 2 reasons. First is so I won't have to run to the pumps every 3 days (the attendants knows Katie by name already!) and also I want to weigh down the front a bit.

    The spare is not a problem. I have a space saver lying around and trust me, it ain't light!

    What do you guys think?


  2. #2
    more fuel = heavier car
    les fule = more freq. filling station stops -- but I need to clean bugs off the windshield anyway

    a plastic tank might be a tad lighter than the steel ones.

  3. #3
    Goldmember ttweed's Avatar
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    Re: Bigger Fuel Tank....

    Originally posted by SprintStar
    What do you think about installing a 85 liter CIS tank in place of our measly 62 liter ones? What's involved? I think it should be plug and play, right?
    If you have the space saver spare, that's a big part of it solved. The only other things you need to do are plug the return line to the new tank that your '67 doesn't use, and check that the new tank has a working fuel level sender. I don't think your old sender will work correctly in the new tank, and I'm not sure if the new sender will work with your older gauge. Everything else is the same as far as the shape, mounts, etc.

    Tom Tweed
    Early S Registry #257
    R Gruppe #232
    Rennlist Founding Member #990416-1164
    PCA National DE Instructor
    Read my surf novel!

  4. #4

    I think the sender is the same for all years till '85....

    The guy's sending the tank soon. I'll make a report after installing it!


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