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Thread: Best wheel/tire combo?

  1. #1

    Best wheel/tire combo?

    I have a simple question that probably has a complicated answer.

    On a stock-bodied early 911 such as my '70 E (no fender flares), what's the best combo of fuchs wheel and tire and spacers to fill out the fenders, and have the best street car that will also do well in autocross and time trials. I have a great set of Toyo racing tires and wheels and spacers, but they include 'phone dial' wheels which I don't like on my older car. When I switch back to my fuchs with street tires, the car doesn't handle nearly as well on the curvy roads around here, and they don't fill out the fenders as well.

    I can't use the same spacers lest the tires on the fuchs rub the fenders, and then the wheels studs are too long for the fuchs, so I have to use open-ended wheel bolts with the studs sticking out. This looks pretty stupid. I'd like to have one set of tires, with the fuchs, for street and race, and not have to switch back and forth. Can this be done without compromising my autocross performance? I'm not too, too serious about my times, but I do want to go fast. You know...

    Actually, it's not a simple question, is it? BTW, the Toyos are getting pretty worn down now and will need replacing soon.
    '66 912
    '50 VW Bug
    '89 VW syncro Tristar Doka
    '83 VW Westfalia

  2. #2
    To see my car with the look I like (except for the phone dials), click below. I'm Number 332, second row, middle.
    '66 912
    '50 VW Bug
    '89 VW syncro Tristar Doka
    '83 VW Westfalia

  3. #3
    Goldmember ttweed's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    La Jolla, CA
    With no flares, 7 x 15" Fuchs with 205/50-15 tires will be about all you can run for autox. You might be able to fit 225s if you are lucky and willing to modify the car a little, or buy some of the spendy R wheels.

    A low profile tire which will be good for autox will not "fill your fenders" and be good for the street, though. Two sets of wheels and tires is pretty much the standard drill. R-compound tires wear out pretty fast in street driving, anyway.

    Nothing wrong with steel lug nuts on the track, either. Some groups require them.

    Tom Tweed
    Early S Registry #257
    R Gruppe #232
    Rennlist Founding Member #990416-1164
    PCA National DE Instructor
    Read my surf novel!

  4. #4
    Tom speaks with a straight tongue. (Can somebody with Swedish genes say that?) Back in the 70's, I went with 7X15" "wide" Fuchs, not 911R wheels...and it took some effort to pull it off. If I had it to do all over again, knowing what I know today? I probably should have stayed with the 6's. That said, I do like the look of my 7's, so I'm keeping them on, despite the feeling that they didn't add a thing to actual performance. Strictly a looks thing, like the "chrome reverse" wheels so loved on the hot rods of the '50's and '60's...
    Paul D. Early S Registry #8 - Cyclops Minister of West Coast Affairs
    "Now, to put a water-cooled engine in the rear and to have the radiator in the front, that's not very intelligent." -Ferry Porsche (PANO, Oct. 1973)

  5. #5
    Originally posted by pwd72s
    Back in the 70's, I went with 7X15" "wide" Fuchs, not 911R wheels...and it took some effort to pull it off.
    Yes, and it's one pretty car for it. Regrets? Shouldn't have any. It's one of my favorite pictures. Of course, then again, it's GREEN!

    Early S Registry #235
    rgruppe #111

  6. #6
    7" didn't add a thing to actual performance....

    - Don't they alter the understeer/oversteer points? Or is that too subtle to feel?

  7. #7
    Goldmember ttweed's Avatar
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    Originally posted by RandyWebb
    7" didn't add a thing to actual performance....
    I guess I don't understand what you're saying here, Randy (and Paul). Do you mean you tried 7" Fuchs on your car and couldn't tell any difference in performance from 6" rims? Did you drive the car at the limit in an autox or on a track? What tires were you using?

    Tom Tweed
    Early S Registry #257
    R Gruppe #232
    Rennlist Founding Member #990416-1164
    PCA National DE Instructor
    Read my surf novel!

  8. #8
    Senior Member curtisaa's Avatar
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    Pasadena, CA

    Problem solving

    It's all about tyres, torsions and shocks.....and 90% driving ability.

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