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Thread: Rear lights, now I understand the R thing.

  1. #1

    Rear lights, now I understand the R thing.

    I spent about 3 hours last night cleaning up my rear light housings and fixing a grounded brake light wire. Now I understand 2 things....why the factory replaced them w/ the R style for racing (wow, those buggers are heavy!) and why so many people do them today (Damn, those pieces are expensive and complicated!)

    Further argument for more R-Gruppe attitude when the 911E gets repainted.


  2. #2
    Senior Member CurtEgerer's Avatar
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    Oct 2002
    Sunshine State
    A little-known fact is there is a direct part number cross reference between the Porsche taillight housing and the early Evinrude boat anchors ..... -- Curt

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Why not get the lamps now while they're in stock (& much cheaper than GT Racing!) :

    '69 911E------->R

  4. #4
    It would not be hard to fab a fibergalss shell that matches the metal shell, then fill it with a flexible LED light board (tehy are commercially available). Then put the lenses back on and mount it. This would probably save about 7-8 lbs. in the rearmost part of the car.

    I'm told the R style lights don't really save much (by Jack Olson, I think).

  5. #5
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Randy - just weighed one of the 911R rear lamp assemblies (2 lamps + grp backing):

    12 oz/350 g

    Original rearlamp assembly c/w lens & bulbs:

    4 lbs 2oz/1.9 Kg

    So replacing both original rear lamps with the 911R set-ups will save a total of 7 lbs 12 oz/3.1 kg !!

    '69 91E------>R

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