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Thread: Bad Backfire

  1. #1

    Bad Backfire

    just bought an '87 3.2 L motor with 46 IDA webers and headers to put in my '72 911. When the motor was installed, the car began to have a bad backfire when decelerating that wasn't present before the new motor installation. I have had 2 good mechanics in the Los Angeles area look at it, and both told me that I will always have the backfire because of the carbs. I know people have done this setup and theres don't sound like mine. This is a nice looking car that sounds like crap. WHAT DO I NEED TO DO TO GET RID OF THIS BACKFIRE?????

  2. #2
    Christian, if 2 mechanics can't figure it, I know I'd be guessing. But, did you get the headers on tight? Air leakage into the header on deceleration causes backfire.

    PM me with your contact info, maybe we can get together for coffee. I can bring the scrounge out for a short run.

  3. #3
    Slow Out RSupdate's Avatar
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    Oct 2002
    Surf City USA


    The L.B. crew is gonna be tearin things apart !!!

    (just kiddin...)

    About the backfire....another S Registry member RC70coupe has a near new ANDIAL built RS spec 2.7 in his '70S and it has since new (9 mos. or so) backfired with a vengence (with flames out the tailpipe) and from what he's told me, after a couple trips back to ANDIAL,they still can't get rid of it.

    Keep us posted on this , o.k.?

    Johnny Riz
    73E euro 3.2 w. a few goodies
    Rgrp 152
    S Reg 335

  4. #4
    Thank's all I will keep you posted. Any other ideas out there please let me know.


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