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Thread: picture of 73 horn installation?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Van Nuys, Ca

    picture of 73 horn installation?

    anyone have pix of the horns install on the 73? much appreciated!

  2. #2
    Senior Member WHCJr72S's Avatar
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    here is a picture of the horns on my 72s. It was taken from near the floor. I hope that it helps
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  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Aug 2003
    Van Nuys, Ca
    Perfect ! exactly the picture i was looking for
    thank you

  4. #4
    Blessed be the lowered RickS's Avatar
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    Worshington State
    Most interesting. When I purchased my '73 a couple of years ago, it only had one horn and set of wires in the left wheel well. The other set of wires was found in the passenger wheel well. Not much room for the install with all the plumbing, but managed to squeeze one in.
    71 914 3.0, 82 SC, ESR 376, RG 307

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  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    I've seen them two on one side , one on each side, snail small versions. But mostly the banjo style like the picture. The horn wiring on our particular car was all to the left side. there is a cooler on the right side, so maybe that dictates the install?

  6. #6
    I don't use a horn. I just put in the clutch and rev the engine.
    '66 912
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  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    that only works when you have a sport muffler here in l.a.. Even then those 2000 watt sub-woofer wielding Escalades with deep tint windows ignore you!

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