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Thread: Technical question about the wiring ofthe directional/hi-lo switch

  1. #1

    Technical question about the wiring ofthe directional/hi-lo switch

    My old directional/hi-lo switch caught fire and shorted out on my '73 911. I removed my steering wheel and took apart my steering column housing and swappd the switches. Here's my problem:

    The switch has two bundled black cables that go in under the dash along with a single strand of brown & white wire (only about 6 inches long) with a female connector on the end. WHAT IS THIS BROWN & WHITE WIRE SUPPOSED TO CONNECT TO????

    It wasn't connected with my old switch and I don't see any loose male wire ends under the dash that look like they need a connection.

    Likewise, the bundled cord that has a 6 pin connector on the end also has a SOLID black 6 inch wire on the connector end of the cable. This 6 inch black wire also has a female fitting on it's end. And voila, I don't know what it connects to. On my new switch it was kind of taped back to the bundled black cord that it is part of, which leads me to believe that it is extra, or just pertains to cars with a certain option that mine doesn't have.

    Even with these 2 wires not connected, all functions of my switch work perfectly. But it is bugging the daylights out of me and I want to do the job right. I would be most appreciative if anybody can tell me whether or not I need to be worried about these 2 wires. Best regards to all.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2003
    I have a Euro S and on these cars it had an additional feature on the function on the switch. On my car when the ignition is off and you select the turn signal switch to either the left or right side it will leave the corresponding left or right marker lights on. I believe this was on all 60's to early 70's European cars as I have a friend with a MB European car and it has the same feature. He used it when he parked the car on the side of the road. If he parked on the right side of the road he would leave his left marker lights on, must of been some kind of a law in Germany back then as most German cars did this. I am guessing that those two extra wires are for this circuit. If you want me to check my car I will. Just let me know I will be able to check it out for you on Tuesday.

  3. #3
    It connects to a 6 conductor multipin connector and from there goes to the horn relay. Does your horn work?
    71' Olive 2.2E Targa / Early S #491

    I've always considered the glass to be half full...that is until I reached middle age and realized that it is actually half empty.

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